

Brand Aid works relentlessly to inject style, harmony and boldness into our design projects, but the real beauty of our work is something the eye cannot see. We go beyond the window dressing to ensure that we have tapped into the core of what will not only capture attention, but it is also crafted and structured properly to effectively inform, inspire and sell. Because great design isn’t just visually pleasing – it is clear, functional and powerful. And we settle for nothing less than great design.


The future of the web is mobile. So it is important that your web endeavors not only consider mobile viewing, but that they actually take a mobile first approach that is responsive to whatever device your audience is viewing your site. We call this “responsive web design.” Having a site that knows what device is accessing it and customizing the experience for that device creates seamless interactions for all of your visitors.


Content may be king, but execution is emperor when it comes to web development. You can have the most beautiful organization in the world, but if your content is not structured properly, managed thoughtfully and executed well, your visitors will find it difficult to understand your message and may choose to go elsewhere to find what they were hoping to get from you. At Smart Task, we develop fundamentals for your brand using a variety of custom-built and popular content management systems, putting you in control of your message and giving you the agility to change your message on demand.